Introducing from the Take Time to Dream Academy, a creative, inspirational, short course which will bring you closer to nature and yourself. Weather it’s Winter, Spring, Summer or Autumn, there is beauty to be found and captured. Do you find the year’s just fly by? Blink and you are buying next year’s diary again? This course is designed to fit in to your busy life, it will help tune you in to the season, feel grounded and flourish. Ever wonder how a designer works, and wish you could do the same? Do you want to elevate your You may be seeking inspiration for your business, work or simply yourself?
Astrid will guide and mentor, with over 2 decades of design experience, where nature is the inspirer, she combines this with her holistic self-healing journey.
Allow this time to nourish and restore balance, feel connected and strong, to allow your creativity to be awakened and to see from a fresh perspective.
Winter is a good time for rest, reflection, renewal. This marks new beginnings, and we honour the light within us and around us. A good time to contemplate and embrace a new chapter.
For more details and to book now, follow the link to the Take Time to Dream Academy courses here